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 Children's Ministry: Birth - 4th Grade  

There are many volunteers and staff involved in making Children’s Education at Hudson a welcoming and nurturing place. Children of all ages will find a community in which they can learn, play, and grow. Please join us on Sunday mornings!

Welcome to the childcare area where we care for infants, toddlers, and twos on Sunday mornings and at other times as scheduled. Here is some important information regarding our policies and procedures that will enable you to leave your children with confidence.


  • Registration 

On the first visit and/or the beginning of each fall semester, a registration form should  be filled out for each child. Forms are available in the information centers in the main hallways and on the HMPC website ( Leave completed forms with a staff member, or with the church office staff.

  • Check In & Check Out

When checking children into their room, sign in on the clipboard noting any feeding or other instructions, and leave your preferred contact number in case we need to reach you. Please exit the nursery wing promptly so that your child has a chance to settle in. If your child has difficulty transitioning or is upset you will be called within 10 minutes. You may be offered an empty room where you can tend to your child before returning them to their room.

  • Time

The nursery wing opens 15 minutes prior to Sunday morning programs and closes 15 minutes after worship service ends. Typically the nursery opens fifteen minutes before, and closes fifteen minutes after other scheduled events that include child care. The exact times will be noted in the event information.  Be courteous about picking children up promptly after the worship service or event.

  • Security 

To minimize unauthorized persons having access to children, only adults checking in and checking out children should be in the childcare wing.  For security reasons, only staff should be in the rooms with the children. When our childcare wing doors are closed, ring the bell and identify yourself to the staff.

  • Snacks

Some snacks will be provided, such as goldfish and crackers, but parents are welcome to bring a snack from home. Please do not send foods that are choking hazards including nuts, grapes, marshmallows and raisins. Peanut free snacks are preferred in all rooms. Be sure to include any allergy information on the registration form. Also list any snacks that your child should not have.

  • Supplies

Bring a diaper bag with a change of clothes, diapers or pull ups. and wipes.  

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Children's Education & Worship - Age 3 through 4th Grade

Welcome to Hudson Memorial Presbyterian Church Sunday Morning Education and Worship Programs for children. Our schedule and programs are designed to create a way for everyone in the family to worship and experience spiritual education in meaningful ways. 


Safe Sanctuary Policy

All teaching teams are led by church members cleared through the Safe Sanctuary Policy. Policy details may be found on our website and in the information centers in the main hallway. If interested in assisting in your child’s class or asked to volunteer, complete an application form and background check permission form using the link at the top of this page.

Sunday School

A registration form must be completed for each child in the Childcare or Children's Ministry program by the first Sunday of the fall semester, or by the first visit. Return registration forms to the church office during the week, or to your child’s teacher on Sunday. Forms are available at the top of this web page, and at the information centers in the main hallways. The class your children attend is based on the age requirements of Wake County Schools (age as of August 31st). 


Sunday Morning Schedule

Before Worship:  9:30-10:30am

Children from Birth - 2nd grade are invited to be dropped off in our downstairs childcare wing to play while parents attend one of our Adult Faith Formation classes.  Childcare opens 15 minutes prior to Sunday morning programs.  After your class is over, please pick up your Sunday School age children and bring them to the Sanctuary with you.  Any children younger than three will remain in the Childcare wing.

Worship and Sunday School Hour:  10:30–11:30 am

During Worship children are invited to participate in Sunday School Education after the Children’s Message. Before the service starts, please make sure your child has been signed in at the Children's Worship area in the back of the Sanctuary and is wearing his or her lanyard nametag in order to leave with the Sunday School leaders. If you are visiting with us please use the stick-on nametags until we can create a lanyard for your child.


Following the Children's Message, children age 3 through 4th grade will leave the Sanctuary and go to Sunday School.  Children in grades 5 and up will remain in Worship with their parents.  You will be instructed where to pick up your child after Worship when you sign him or her in.   If your child is staying for our Children's Music program, you do not need to pick up your child between Sunday School and Music.  A volunteer will escort your child to have a short Children's Fellowship time before bringing them to Geneva Hall for Music.  

Children’s Worship Area: 2nd grade and younger

If your children are not participating in Sunday School, feel free to utilize the Children’s Worship Area in the back of the Sanctuary. Sit nearby and assist them as needed. 

On Communion Sundays 
Children participating in the Sacrament can be checked out early from Sunday School in Geneva Hall or kept with parents in the Sanctuary.


11:30-12:15 : Children's Music Programming

  • Wee Worshipers: Ages 3- Kindergarten

11:30am-12:15pm in Geneva Hall/Music Room

Wee Worshipers is our children’s music program led by Rich Richards and Barbara Loehr-Fox.

  • Joyful Noise: grades K–4

11:30am-12:15pm in Geneva Hall/Music Room

Joyful Noise is our children’s music program led by Rich Richards. Using games and activities and playing instruments, children learn about Bible stories appropriate to their age and development. Joyful Noise children will have the opportunity to lead worship a few times a year through music and simple pageants.

  • Coffee & Conversation for Parents

While your kids are enjoying music, parents gather in our chapel for coffee & conversation. It's a great way to get to know other families in the church! The conversations are often facilitated by a pastor or member of the church.



Parents who are members of HMPC are encouraged to have their children baptized as a sign of their commitment to raise children in the church and as an opportunity for the congregation to pledge their support to the family. Dates for baptisms are scheduled throughout the year and members may sign up by completing the baptism request form available in the main hallway and here.

Baptized children may participate in the Lord’s Supper (Communion or Eucharist) at the discretion of their parents. The table is about welcoming and grace, which is something the children experience as they share in the sacred meal of the Christian community. 

A Communion Education Class is offered each fall and spring for children (age 4 and up) and their parents. Hosted by the Children’s Committee, and led by Debbie Kirk, the class is ideal for children who have not yet participated in Communion, as well as those who want to learn more about it. Classes will be publicized in various church media. Registration is available prior to each class.

For more information about our program or to be added to our family-specific mailing list  please contact Cary Dickerson, our Interim Director of Children and Family Ministries.

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Boys and Girls Scouts

Hudson is honored to host a number of Girl and Boy Scouts troops. Please click below to learn more about our troops!


We are having in-person worship in the Sanctuary at 10:30 am.  We are now live streaming our worship services - Click here to join the live streaming worship on Sunday mornings at 10:30 am. These services are also recorded and available in our archives.


We welcome prayer requests. To be added to our confidential prayer list, you may leave a message on our Deacon's Prayer Line at (919)390-2688.



If you are a first time visitor and would like to introduce yourself, please click here to send us your name(s) and contact information. Please also let us know if you would like to receive our newsletter, The Weekly Window, via email. In The Weekly Window, you will find information about the life of our church and activities that are available.




Hudson Memorial Presbyterian Church

4921 Six Forks Road, Raleigh, NC 27609

P: 919.787.1086


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