The Deacons of Hudson Memorial Presbyterian Church provide a ministry of care to members with particular needs including those related to illness, grief, and life transitions. Deacons are elected by the congregation and trained to be present with others as they encourage and support them with compassion and confidentiality. Prayer is foundational to the ministry of the Deacons.
Deacon On Call: Each month a deacon is assigned to monitor the Deacons Prayer Line and coordinate other needs that require attention. The Deacon on Call (DOC) is reachable by calling the church office (919) 787-1086 extension 35. The line is monitored twice a day. The Deacon on Call is listed each week’s Window newsletter and may be contacted by members using the church directory.
As members of the Body of Christ, we care for one another at Hudson Memorial. Our Deacons are active caregivers, and our congregational prayer chain keeps us connected. There are many ministries of care at Hudson led by the pastors, deacons and other members of the congregation. Please reach out if you are in need.
“If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honored, all rejoice together with it. Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.” - 1 Corinthians 12:25-27
Ministries of the Deacons include:
Worship/Prayer Services: Deacons share in serving communion in monthly worship services and host evening prayer services throughout the season of Lent.
Prayer: Deacons pray regularly with and for members and others as requested. They do this in many ways including personal prayer practices, prayer with individuals and families, prayer during their monthly meetings and with other members who serve as Prayer Partners.
Meal Ministry: Deacons offer to provide meals for members recovering from illness, undergoing treatment and experiencing other situations when meals would be helpful.
Visitation: Deacons visit members in hospital, care facilities and homes as needed and along with the pastors, provide communion to those who are homebound.
Care in times of grief: Deacons serve as members of the Memorial Services Guild and assist families in several ways including providing a reception the day of a service. Deacons provide ongoing support to those who have experienced a death or other loss.
Communication: Deacons maintain regular communication with members using calls, notes, cards and virtual resources.
Congregational Enrichment and Resources: Deacons provide professional leadership and host congregational workshops on a variety of topics including aging well and healthy practices for body, mind, and spirit.
Annual Retreat: Deacons participate in an annual retreat designed to nurture their personal spiritual lives and build community with one another.
​​​Class of 2025
Billy Branch
Ruth Herpich
Joanna Hulsey
Gretchen McDuffie (Moderator)
Carolyn Scott
Class of 2026
Judie Greenawalt
Mary Schindo
Jill Hovis
LInda Meeks
Winter Fox
Class of 2027
Jeffrey Coonse
Gil Graybill
Caroline Rohs
Lisa Williams
Fred Woodward