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FAQ 2.tif

What is the worship service like?

We have one worship service at 10:30 a.m. The movement of our liturgy centers on God’s story of engaging human life in the world we live in.  All we do in worship prepares us to hear God’s word and respond to it with our lives. While the structure of worship remains consistent, creativity emerges each week through words, the arts, music and the sacraments (Baptism & the Lord’s Supper). There is a blend of music styles that include the Chancel Choir leading the congregation. Our beautiful sanctuary with large windows never lets us forget that our worship strengthens us for life in the world we live in.  Worshipers of all ages are welcome.    Hudson has a reputation of being warm and welcoming while still respecting the space people need on their own.  


What do I wear?
There is no dress code for worship at Hudson.  You are invited to wear what you feel comfortable in to worship God.


Where do my kids go?

We have a nursery with professional childcare workers for children, birth to 2 years old.  There is a children’s worship area in the sanctuary that kids and their parents are welcome to quietly utilize during the service. Preschool & elementary age children are welcome in worship.  We have a children’s message each Sunday.  Children can come forward to the chancel steps for a short message.  After a closing prayer children are welcome to go back and sit with their parents or attend children’s Sunday school (3 years old to 4th grade).  For further questions please contact Director of Children’s Ministry, Cary Dickerson.


What happens on Sundays besides worship?

At 9:00 and 9:30am, there are Adult Education/Faith Formation classes that all adults are welcome to join! Each class has a different theme and format - Check out the Adult Education page to learn more about our offerings. After worship, the congregation is invited to Westminster Hall or our outdoor spaces for a time of fellowship. Other programs happen at this time (11:30am), such as our Children’s Music program, Coffee & Conversation for Parents, Confirmation Class, Middle School & High School Sunday school. On Sunday evenings, we often have book studies led by one of our pastors.


What happens on other days?

Church doesn’t just happen on Sunday!  Hudson is filled with activities throughout the week.  Check out the Weekly Window newsletter for things happening at this time 


How do I become a member?

Everyone is welcome to membership within the church! New Member Inquirer Classes are held every few months to welcome visitors into membership within the church. 



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