Foundation of Hudson Memorial Presbyterian Church
What is The Hudson Memorial Presbyterian Foundation?
The Hudson Memorial Presbyterian Foundation was established in 1978 as a charitable foundation, to receive and invest gifts and bequests to further the long-term work and outreach of the church.
The Purposes of the Foundation are:
To cultivate memorial gifts, bequests and other contributions to be used in the ministry of the church.
To receive and invest such gifts and bequests and to encourage planning for long-range commitments to the work of the church.
To extend the Christian outreach of the church beyond the means afforded by its budget.
To develop and stimulate the genuine sense of concern among all people for these various causes and to provide the means of expressing concern for the salvation of all people.
The Foundation is administered by a nine-member Board of Directors, who are elected by the Session of Hudson Memorial Presbyterian Church and serve on staggered, three-year terms.
Foundation Principles:
The Foundation is committed to an ongoing program of securing financial support for the ministry of the church.
It will invest and manage all gifts in keeping with the intent of the donor and the purposes of the Foundation.
All programs, trust agreements, contracts, or commitments shall benefit first and foremost the individual needs of the donor, and secondarily the Foundation.
Gifts to the Foundation:
The Foundation receives direct contributions in a variety of forms, including:
Marketable securities
Personal property
Unencumbered real property
Life insurance policies
Gifts in kind
Planned Giving to the Foundation:
The Board will work with prospective donors to consider future, planned gifts as part of estate planning.
The Board will not offer professional legal, accounting, banking, taxation, or estate planning advice, but will seek only to provide information on the Foundation to the donor and his/her financial advisors, and encourages prospective donors to seek appropriate professional advice and counsel.
Appropriate planned giving arrangements include:
Outright gift
Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust
Charitable Remainder Unitrust
Charitable Lead Trust
Residence, with retained life interest
Insurance premiums payment pledge
Other arrangements that are acceptable to the Board and the Session​
“Hudson Memorial is blessed with members that recognize the impact of this church in their lives. Their donations enable the church to continue sharing God’s message and being a transforming influence in the lives of others. That faithful witness makes God’s work visible in the Hudson Memorial Presbyterian Foundation ministry.” -- Foundation Board Member

“Through the HMP Foundation, God is uniting individuals with varied backgrounds to a common purpose for the betterment of our congregation and community.” - Foundation Board Member
Legacy Society​
The Hudson Memorial Presbyterian Foundation Board has established the Legacy Society to honor those who have named the church or Foundation in their will. Including the church or Foundation in your estate plans provides for the missions of the church beyond a member’s lifetime, supporting the church in perpetuity.
If you have named the church or foundation in your will, we encourage you to fill out the confidential commitment form. Completed forms can be emailed to the church office at info@hmpc.org or mailed to the church with attention to Mac Schafer or dropped off in Mac’s mailbox in Karl Hudson Room.
Legacy Commitment Confirmation Form
The Foundation urges everyone to consult their lawyer, trust officer or financial advisor about bequests, preparation of living gifts, and estate planning. Gifts to the Foundation may have beneficial tax results.
The Foundation will not solicit contributions in connection with HMPC’s annual giving program.
For additional information, please contact us.