Be a part of our community!
Interested in Membership?
Membership at Hudson Memorial Presbyterian Church is open to all who recognize a need for the grace and love of God revealed in Jesus Christ and we welcome all people to be part of our faith community. Considering membership is a process of discovery and discernment as you choose the faith tradition that best suits you and the faith community where you can authentically participate at this time in your life. During this process we encourage you to participate in the life of HMPC by worshiping regularly (in person or virtually) and attending other activities for at least three to four months. You may have children and youth in our programs, join a fellowship or mission activity, participate in adult faith formation, or whatever is of interest to you. Our Hudson Connects membership team is available to assist you with any information you need and questions you have, just let us know by contacting Joanna Hulsey.
Learn more about us!
We suggest you read our publications, especially our Weekly Window newsletter or explore our website. The denominational magazine found in your welcome bag has a wealth of information with articles that cover areas you may be particularly interested in or have questions about. Using this link, read about the mission and ministry of HMPC and the PCUSA. We are a Hunger Action Congregation and a Matthew 25 Congregation, both denominational initiatives.
If you would like to be added to our general electronic distribution list or if you would like to receive electronic communications about children or youth ministries, email the Communications Coordinator and you will be added to the lists of your choice. Hard copies of all this information is available in the main hallway kiosks.
Inquirers' Class
You are welcome to talk with our pastor Debbie Kirk at any time. If you would like to participate in an Inquirer’s Class to find out more about the mission and ministry of our congregation they are offered every other month. Our next class is January 12.
When you are ready to make a commitment to membership you will meet with the Session along with others on a Sunday morning to be received and be introduced during the worship service that day. When you become a member, you can expect support from the Hudson Connects Committee who will be a primary contact and a source of information about all church activities and opportunities to meet other members.
We are glad you are here and look forward to getting to know you as you experience who we are and engage in ministry with us!