The Heart of What We Do
Mission is at the heart of everything we do as we seek to be faithful disciples according to Jesus.
Local Community
Locally, there are ongoing opportunities for "hands on" mission activities including:
Hudson Handy Helpers
Interfaith Builds
Mission Trips
Food Bank of Central & Eastern NC
Rise Against Hunger
Capital Towers transportation and fellowship
Each month we have two focused giving opportunities toenable us to make an immediate impact in areas that need our attention. The specific dates for the offerings and collections are announced ahead of time.
HMPC is a part of the Presybterian Church (USA), to learn more about the PC Missions Programs click here.
Special Offerings
General Mission Fund
North Raleigh Ministries
Global Mission Fund
One Great Hour of Sharing
Shelter Ministries
Congregational Mission Trip
Care of Candidates
Presbyterian Campus Ministries
Peace and Global Witness
Good Samaritan Fund
Christmas Joy
Tend My Sheep Offerings
North Raleigh Ministries
Ronald McDonald Ministries
Note in the Pocket
Back Pack Buddies
Capital Towers
Haiti School Kits in conjunction with Presbyterian Women
Raleigh Rescue Mission
Grandfather Children's Home
Diaper Train
Presbyterian Campus Ministries