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Prayer Requests


Caregiving ministry is provided by the Pastors and HMPC Deacons.


Deacons are members who are called to listen, encourage, pray and walk with you during difficulty.  Our ministry includes prayer partners, meals and transportation in times of need, memorial guild, visitation and other special projects.


Prayer requests will be shared with Pastors, Deacons and Prayer Partners, unless otherwise noted.


We will be praying for this request for 30 days. Please re-submit as needed.


We welcome your request to be added to our Prayer list. You may leave a message on our Deacon's Prayer Line at 919-390-2688.   Please include the following information - name of person you would like prayers for, the prayer request, and the name of the person requesting the prayer.



We are having in-person worship in the Sanctuary at 10:30 am.  We are now live streaming our worship services - Click here to join the live streaming worship on Sunday mornings at 10:30 am. These services are also recorded and available in our archives.



We welcome prayer requests. To be added to our confidential prayer list, you may leave a message on our Deacon's Prayer Line at (919)390-2688.



If you are a first time visitor and would like to introduce yourself, please click here to send us your name(s) and contact information. Please also let us know if you would like to receive our newsletter, The Weekly Window, via email. In The Weekly Window, you will find information about the life of our church and activities that are available.




Hudson Memorial Presbyterian Church

4921 Six Forks Road, Raleigh, NC 27609

P: 919.787.1086


© 2015 Felicia Perry Photography, LLC

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