Who We Are
Our Mission Statement
To Know, Love and Serve God in Jesus Christ
Our Vision Statement
A Community Enriched by Responding to the Wonder of God
Our Core Values
Worship, Generosity, Service, Nurture, Education & Gratitude
Greetings Friends & Visitors:
Thank you for coming to our website! At Hudson Memorial Presbyterian Church we hold onto the promise that God loves you beyond your wildest imagination. We believe this love is the foundation for our lives and that it propels us to engage in community and the world with energy, imagination, intelligence and love. Hudson is a warm and welcoming congregation that has been engaged in ministry along Six Forks Road for over 60 years. We join together in worship, education, fellowship, outreach and fun as we build the body of Christ. We’d love for you to join us on the journey.
Please take some time to get to know us better by spending time on our website and please contact the pastors and staff to answer any further questions you might have.
Peace be with you!
We are a PC(USA) Church
HMPC is part of the PC(USA). To learn about what we believe and what makes us unique, click HERE.
We are a Matthew 25 Congregation!
Matthew 25 is not only an important Biblical imperative (Matthew 25:31-46), it is a
Presbyterian Church (USA) denominational initiative with three areas of focus:
Focus #1: Building Congregational Vitality
Focus #2: Dismantling Structural Racism
Focus #3: Eradicating Systemic Poverty
In early 2022, the Session of Hudson Memorial Presbyterian Church voted to become a Matthew 25 congregation as one of their goals. In the summer of 2023, over 1,126 PC(USA) congregations had signed on to work on one to three of the above initiatives.
Here at Hudson, we have been actively working on “Eradicating Systemic Poverty” by focusing on issues of food insecurity and our role as a Hunger Action congregation.
We have been attempting to “Build Congregational Vitality” through developing programmatic ministries that are vibrant and transformational. We have begun the long journey of “Dismantling Structural Racism” through educational studies, racial equity training, facing omissions of our past, and looking at blind spots in our present ministry. The Mission, Vision, Values & Goals (MVVG) Sub-Team of Session is presently taking the lead on this initiative.
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