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 Worship and the Arts  
Come Worship with Us!


Sundays in the Sanctuary


First Sunday of every month:

8:30am Chapel Worship Service

“Worship is at the very heart of the church’s life. All that the church is and does is rooted in its worship. The community of faith, gathered in response to God’s call, is formed in its worship. Worship is the principal influence that shapes our faith, and is the most visible way we express the faith.” – The Book of Common Worship


Sunday mornings at Hudson are important:  Worship is where we re-focus our lives on God in Jesus Christ. Through praise, confession, listening to the stories of our faith and responding to these stories with our gifts, we prepare for the week ahead of us. In worship we remember who we are and to whom we belong.  Services are inter-generational:  Young and old: children, youth and adults.  We celebrate the diversity of the body of Christ and know we are a better picture of the Christian body when that diversity worships together!



Sunday Schedule (Sept-May)


The Gathering Adult Sunday School - Nine O'Clock  Class - Room 200


The Gathering Adult Sunday School - WH North & WH South


Worship - Sanctuary

Children's Sunday School - Geneva Hall

Children's Music - Geneva Hall (3 years-4th grade)
Coffee and Conversation for Parents - Chapel

Youth Sunday School  (11:30-12:00pm)

Youth Music (12:00-12:30pm)
(5th-12th grade)


5:00-7:00pm (Varies)

Youth Group
Activities vary between middle school, high school and 5th graders. 


Summer Schedule (June-August)


 Adult Sunday School "Summer Series" - WH North 


Worship - Sanctuary

Children's Sunday School - Geneva Hall


First Sunday of every month:

8:30am Chapel Worship Service




For those unable to attend worship, we now live-stream our services.  These live streamed services are recorded and are archived and available on the church YouTube channel.  You can find them by clicking here.





We are having in-person worship in the Sanctuary at 10:30 am.  We are now live streaming our worship services - Click here to join the live streaming worship on Sunday mornings at 10:30 am. These services are also recorded and available in our archives.



We welcome prayer requests. To be added to our confidential prayer list, you may leave a message on our Deacon's Prayer Line at (919)390-2688.



If you are a first time visitor and would like to introduce yourself, please click here to send us your name(s) and contact information. Please also let us know if you would like to receive our newsletter, The Weekly Window, via email. In The Weekly Window, you will find information about the life of our church and activities that are available.




Hudson Memorial Presbyterian Church

4921 Six Forks Road, Raleigh, NC 27609

P: 919.787.1086


© 2015 Felicia Perry Photography, LLC

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